Monday, October 7, 2013

40-Days to EARN your workout BODY!

It has been some time, but I did promise some friends that I would post what I did to EARN my 40-day workout BODY! Thanks for being patient and checking my blog out! I hope I can continue to encourage and motivate others!

Let’s begin!


This program is a total of 40 consecutive days, which include workout days and rest days. Now where these “days” fall in the week is solely upon what day you chose to start this 40 day program. Each day will be different. Not like most typical workouts where Monday is chest day and Tuesday is back day, and so on.

So as I just said, you will be following a 2 day on 1 day off workout schedule. On training days, you will do both weight training and cardio. Off days are just that, completely off. So you will be working out 5 days per week, it is a lot but you can do it! It’s only 40 days and you’ll see results through consistency!

 Your workout days will consist of the push, pull, and leg muscles, as well as your core/abdominal muscles. The push muscles in the body are: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. The pull muscles are: Back, Biceps and Abs. The leg muscles are: Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves.


With each exercise you can rotate between heavy and light weight or middle weight complexes. The first time I did this, I stuck with a middle weight for each exercise. For example, on bench press to complete a set of 12 reps 60 lbs. is too light, but 95lbs is too heavy, therefore I went in the middle and did 70-75lbs. Your choice and level. You know your body! If you haven’t been super active with weight lifting start with a low weight and work your way up. One off the keys to challenging yourself during workouts is to work for more reps and weight on every set. Don’t waste a set, you should feel that burn at the end of each set. If you aren’t, then up your weight a little and up your reps. Progression! Although, don’t train to failure. Which means, don’t throw up the weights, ruin form, can’t feel your arms/legs, etc. If you feel the burn and you can’t do one more, then don’t. Don’t force yourself to get the full 15 reps if you can’t. You want to push yourself, but don’t hurt yourself either or ruin form for completion.


Now, after you’ve done your weight training it’s time for cardio! Yes! You’ll be performing HIIT, which is high intense interval training. This is a form of cardio that is not boring and is used to build muscle. And its effectiveness is at burning stubborn fat! Don’t ya love that?!?! Burning fat without burning muscle is what we want!! HIIT training involves alternating between extremely intense exercise period and lower intensity periods. (High-heart rate at 80-90% of MHR-maximum heart rate) Lower periods can be switched for complete rest. There are many ways you can perform the HIIT, such as, stair master, jump rope, running, biking, elliptical, etc. Only do the HIIT on weight training days only. Your body needs the proper rest to function properly. Don’t over train! It can have a reverse effect on your body. So, for example, after I’m done lifting weights I go straight to the treadmill. Warm up, is a 2 min walk, then I increase the speed. Anywhere from 9.0-11.0mph. Sprint/Run for 30 seconds then stand on the side for 30 seconds, repeat. For twenty minutes, then a 2-5minute cool down. Really push yourself in the sprint/jog stage. If you are outside on a track, sprint the straights and jog the curves. Or sidewalks, sprint in between light poles, every other. Or just use a watch outside, sprint for 30 seconds, walk for 30 seconds. Now you can do different amounts of time as well. If you can’t sprint hard for 30 seconds, then do 15 on 30 off, or 15 on 15 off. We want to build and progress. Eventually you’ll be able to do 30 on 30 off, even 60 on 60 off. When you perform HIIT right after weight training, research has shown that you will burn more calories and fat. Just make sure to hit your HIIT on weight training days, no matter what form of HIIT you decide to do.

(Exercise = Set x Rep)

Push Workout:

Bench Press
Triceps Cable Ext
Incline Bench
Military Press
Reverse Triceps Cable Ext
Dumbbell Flye
Lateral Raise

HIIT: 20-30minutes

Pull workout:

Cable Rows
Dumbbell Curl
Lateral Cable Pull Down
Straight Bar Curl
Dead Lift
Decline Sit ups
Oblique Side weighted pull
Lower Abs Leg Lifts

HIIT: 20-30minutes

Leg workout:

Leg press
Barbell Lunge
3x16 (8 ea. Leg)
Calf Raise
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Lying/Seated Leg Curl

HIIT: 20-30minutes


On days you don’t work out, eat light. Anywhere from 500-1200 calories. On days you do work out, consume 1000-1500 calories. Eat chicken, brown rice, broccoli, tuna, asparagus, spinach, etc. Lots of vegetables and proteins. Do your best not to cheat, prepare your meals the day before.

Supplements to take: Pre-workout, multivitamin, Fat loss supplement, Amino acids, BCAA’s, Glutamine.

If you stay on track and consistent you will see results! You can expect to maintain your current muscles mass and to lose approximately 10 pounds or more, or about 5% drop in body fat percentage. Any and all programs are only as good as the effort you put into it! Good Luck! Let me know how you did!!

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