Monday, November 21, 2011

In the season for Thanks!

Today, November 21st is my ten months of dating my love, Justin Turner.
He is a great man. He has many qualities that I love and adore, and he is all mine.
Now, we have had our rough patches as everyone does, but every minute of every day I'm happy to be with him. I'd want to be with him through anything and everything, no matter if it's tough and hard or great and fun, I want it all. Now, with Thanksgiving right down the way, I want to thank him for all he has done for me. He has been honest and trusting and I appreciate that.
Also, my family. I thank them for loving me and caring about me and the choices I've made. To my friends, thank you. Thank you for the talks, for understanding, and for the willingness to listen and give advice. I appreciate it all. I especially want to thank my Heavenly Father for always being there, even in my hardships and disagreeances, he was there. He is always there, the one to rely and trust on. I love him and know he is the only way to true happiness.
I love You, Justin. Happy 10th!
Thank you everyone and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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