Of course, in this generation, internet is so important and useful! Well, I've been without a computer and internet for a couple weeks. I have internet on my phone, but a computer keyboard/screen is a lot better to use for blogging rather then a touch screen phone. So sorry it's been so long, I'll try my best and update you on the adventures!
Before we started the next fair we were staying at an RV Park close to Bret's house. So, Bret called me one day and asked if Josh and I wanted to go shooting with him. So we did! We shot some pretty cool guns. And really powerful. We shot a 38 special hand gun, 338 rifle, and a couple 22's. It was a lot of fun! We were super bored so we were very thankful Bret had called and was willing to take us out to do something.
Josh and I shooting the 38 special hand gun!
This is a video of Josh shooting the 338. Hopefully it turns out.

Well first off we've finished a few fairs. One fair we went to is in a town called Hillsboro, OR. It's a town consisting of about 20,000 people. Decent size town. The cool thing about the towns location is it's by so many other towns or cities, such as Portland. At this fair, we had the Bubbles and the Rock Wall. And it was super nice because they were right next to each other! Also, the weather was just about right. The whole weekend was about 80 degrees, that was nice. The down side was it was about 80 percent humidity! Maybe not that much but it got pretty close. The first day was also super windy!! Other than that, the weekend had decent fair weather.I had my brother Josh, Grandpa, and Bret working for me. I also had the same guy who worked at Salem there, his name is Brendan. (Bret's cousin) Then I had two others from Hillsboro to help. There names are Kyle and Michael, 19 and 18 years old. They were great workers. Michael was shy and didn't say much and I only had Kyle for a couple days so I didn't get to talk to him much. But they did great and would love to do it again! Pretty exciting!

Left- is Brendan and Michael working the Bubbles. Right-The Ladies just Loving Josh.
Before the next fair I ran into another problem! Right?! Only to me. So, Grandpa, Josh and I were just chilling in the RV and we decided to go to Borders and a couple other stores. We took the truck down towards Vancouver, WA. It was trying really hard to accelerate on the freeway but just wasn't doing it! We got to our exit and it was putting. I could hardly accelerate on the road. I was maybe going 20mph and people were honking at me! I finally just pulled into some apartment complex and the truck just died! Yup. Just died and I couldn't start it. I called my dad and he said he had had the same problem before, sure enough! He said that it was probably the transmission. A blown transmission, I always have the best luck! Anyway, so I called Bret and he picked us up and we towed the truck to his Grandpa's shop in Portland. They took a look at it the next day and told us they would take it to their specialist. The specialist said that the clutch was shot as well as the fly wheel and the hydrolic system. Oh my Goodness! More money!! Ugh! Not the best day. They told me it would be done within the weekend, which is what I needed because I had to travel to Tillamook for the bubbles and all the stuff was in the truck. Craziness.
So, the next fair was in Ridgefield, WA. The Clark County Fair!! It's a long ten-day fair! I had Josh, Bret, and me work the first three days and then I had to leave for Tillamook. Bret handled the rock wall the rest of the week with a couple friends. I took Josh and my Grandpa to the airport. They both left for home. Josh started school the next Monday and Grandpa really missed Grandma. They both flew and landed safely in Vegas. Josh wasn't too excited about school just because he knew he would be running and he was seriously out of shape! But Josh is a Thompson and he is doing a lot better now and is getting in shape plenty fast.
This is the Salem/Marion County newspaper. We had our bubbles here and it got in the Newspaper! Cool!

I dropped Josh and Grandpa off at the airport and ran errands the rest of the day. One of which was to go to the shop where the truck was being repaired and unload all the bubble stuff and put it in the RV. That was a lot of work. Got that finished and completed a couple of other errands. The next thing on the list was to pick up two guys from the airport. My friend, Joe and boyfriend, Justin, flew up to help me work the bubbles and the wall for a little while. After picking them up we drove the RV to Tillamook. Tillamook is about two hours from Portland. We arrived and went to bed. There really wasn't anywhere to sleep so Joe slept on the top bed in the back of the RV, Justin slept in the shotgun seat and I slept on the top bunk of the RV. Very squished. The next morning we set up the Bubbles and then ran into Portland, because the Truck was done!! Yes!! I was relieved because if the truck wasn't done I would of had to of drove the RV to the fair everyday. And that's just a hassle. Anyway, so the Tillamook fair went great! We had so many kids and adults go through the bubbles. Joe mainly ran the front and he was just talking to everyone and getting everyone in the bubbles. He was really outgoing and very eager to work. Justin and I ran the back. Which is loading and unloading people from the bubbles. It's tough and tedious, but we got through it.

Justin and Joe getting the feel inside the bubble.
I have a really amazing and humbling short story to tell. While we were working, Joe came back and asked if it was okay if we were to put a blind man through the bubbles. I hesitated at first, but then said it would be just fine. He got in line just like everyone else and waited for his turn. He came up and just told me that I had to talk him through everything. It took us a couple minutes but were able to get him in the bubble and he rolled around and had a blast! He got out and was just smiling! He said, "That was amazing, you definitely don't need to see to know what's going on in there!" I was so touched. The man then talked to Joe some more. Joe had said, "Pretty fun, huh?!" The man said, "You don't need to see to have fun." It was really humbling for me. It uplifted me for the rest of the day!

We finished the fair on Saturday night and took down that night. Bret was going on a vacation with his family and wanted to leave after working on Saturday. I told him it was fine, I would just come in with Joe and Justin and work on Sunday. Yeah, that was a crazy night. We took the bubbles down around 10pm so we didn't finish until 2am. Then we drove all the way back to Ridgefiel. We arrived at 4am. Went to sleep and then woke up at 930am to go to work. I trained Joe and Justin and then we were consistently busy the rest of the day. We finished working the Rock Wall and took it down that night. We went to bed probably about midnight to 1am. Yeah, you bet we slept in the next morning. Once we woke up I took Joe and Justin to a 24 hour fitness to work out while I ran errands. Then on Tuesday I took Justin to the airport to fly back to Vegas. He is playing a House of Blues show again on Saturday so he needed to go play for that. If you want tickets, call Justin or get on their South for the Summer Facebook page and they will get you some. Joe and I traveled to the next fair.
So I am now in Port Angeles, WA! I am literally looking at the ocean right now! The ocean is like one minute from where I am staying. So, it's cold up here, to me anyway. (Maybe 65 degrees isn't cold to many people.) The fair starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday. A four day fair. This fair only has the Rock Wall. I'll have Joe, Bret and Me working it. Should be fun!
That's pretty much the update for the past few weeks. Sorry it's been so long. I am still alive and kicking. I've been having a lot of stress and worries lately and I'm trying really hard to get through it all. It'd probably be a lot easier if it were possible for me to please everyone, even myself. Thanks for reading. I'll try really hard to get more updates about these adventures!!